Two weeks ago, Taiwan was affected by the biggest seismic activity since it had happened back in 1999. This quake measuring Magnitude 7.4 evidently did so much calamity on the island.
It was just a few minutes before the mid-night that the earthquake started feeling with its epicenter situated at sea, but in fact its impact was spread in all of Taiwan, some siding islands and also the provincial division of China. Many are no longer operating, including a TSMC factory that Apple owns a shares.
The production of Apple chips in Taiwan was prohibited by an earthquake.
Admirably, giving a restriction and safety to the companies, TSMC destined evacuation of some of their offices within the immediately. However, beyond this, the company produces a set of chips that Apple uses. Such processes run without interruption with the exception of an occasional shutdown for shallow-line production.
The majority feared the darkest for the plants, who lead the BGA and CMOS technologies to a great speed, and precision that reach to the extreme. “Intel Corporation has recently officially stated that its critical equipment, including extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines, had not been damaged.”, says the company.
Such steadfastness is based on numerous conditions – including the strictest construction standards which should be able to withstand a myriad of blows.
Production is being resumed in this situation, but is the company likely to have more delays?
While it was the case the whole series of EUV production was halted for a few hours, that is the EUV lithograghy machines were used for processor engraving being less than 7 nm exclusively. The line of production has just been brought back to life, but it’s hard to know what this will mean for TSMC in terms of a timeframe.